Panasonic SD-YR2550s Bread Maker Review

Main view of the Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker.
Our Rating:
Read our review of the Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker. Features 31 cooking programs, a nut dispenser, a yeast dispenser, adjustable loaf colour/size settings, a start delay timer, a ribbed kneading blade and double sensors for the optimal bake.
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Price £View current price £
ColoursBlack & Silver
Cooking Functions31
Loaf SizesVariable
Crust SettingsVariable
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Our Review

The Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker is a modern and powerful appliance with a wide range of cooking modes and a number of useful features for added scope. It has 31 cooking programs in total, including a number of bread functions, gluten-free options, dough options, sweet options (cake, jam, compote), and also kneading functions. We particularly like the automatic kneading functionality as it emulates the style of a traditional artisan baker.

Main view of the Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker.

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One feature of particular interest is the dispensing compartments. There's one for raisins/sultanas/currants/seeds/olives/blueberries and another specifically for yeast. The breadmaker's adjustable settings include a crust colour selector, a loaf size setting, a start delay timer and double sensors for automatic adjustment for the perfect results.

About Panasonic

Panasonic are a brand of electronics. Their cooking appliances include mini ovens, breadmakers, juicers, blenders, fridges, and a wide selection of microwaves. They're a reputable company, and are known for their well engineered appliances.

Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker's dispenser.


The features are as follows:

  • 31 Cooking Programs - The Panasonic SD-YR2550s has a huge number of cooking programs. We break them down into categories. We particularly like the kneading modes as it automates the arm-aching work.
    • Bread - Basic, Basic Rapid, Basic Stuffed, Bread Mix, Bread Mix Raisin, Whole Wheat, Whole Wheat Rapid, Whole Wheat Raisin, Brioche, French, Rye, Sourdough
    • Gluten Free - Gluten Free Bread, Gluten Free Cake, Gluten Free Pizza, Gluten Free Pasta
    • Dough - Basic, Basic Raisin, Whole Wheat, Whole Wheat Raisin, Sourdough, Sourdough Starter, Pizza
    • Sweet - Cake, Bake Only, Jam, Compote
    • Manual - Cake Kneading, Bread Kneading, Rise.
  • Nut / Yeast Dispenser - The Panasonic SD-YR2550s has two compartments - one for nuts/raisins/sultanas/currants/seeds/olives and the other for yeast. It evenly distributes them in the mixture at the perfect time. This feature alone provides plenty of versatility.
  • Adjustable Settings - The crust colour and loaf size can be manually selected.
  • Start Delay Timer - The breadmaker's delay timer lets you prepare ingredients well in advance. Our favourite example of how this can be used is preparing ingredients after dinner, setting the timer, and enjoying freshly baked bread when you wake up.
  • Kneading Blade - The kneading paddle has a special ribbed design which aims to emulate the traditional kneading technique of an artisan baker.
  • Double Sensors - The Panasonic SD-YR2550s has two sensors which detect the internal temperature and the room temperature. It will then automatically adjust for optimal fermentation, rising and resting. You therefore get consistently perfect results.
  • Accessories - A measuring cup and a measuring spoon are included with the breadmaker.
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Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker's controls.


In summary, the Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker is a versatile appliance which is packed with modern features designed for functionality and convenience. We love the 31 cooking programs, automatically baking bread, kneading dough, baking gluten-free bread and cooking jam/compote. We also like the two dispensers, the adjustable loaf size / colour settings and the specially designed kneading blade. We rate the Panasonic SD-YR2550s Silver Automatic Bread Maker 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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