Panasonic SD-2501WXC Review

Main view of the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker.
Our Rating:
Read our review of the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker. A versatile appliance with 25 cooking modes, a raisin/nut dispenser, three loaf sizes, three colour options and a non-stick cooking pan.
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Cooking Functions25
Loaf Sizes3
Crust Settings3
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Our Review

The Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker is a multi-functional appliance with wide ranging flexibility. It has 25 cooking modes which give you plenty of choice with regards to baking. Some of these options include whole wheat, pizza, brioche, jam, compote, French and Italian. One feature of particular interest is the special raisin/nut dispenser which uniformly mixes in raisins, currants, seeds, olives, nuts, etc.

Main view of the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker.

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The Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker has a number of useful features. It can bake three sizes of loaf and also brown with three different settings. These two options add a further level of scope. We particularly like the diamond-fluro-coated pan which is scratch resistant and non-stick for easy cooking and cleaning.

About Panasonic

Panasonic are a brand with products in the audio/visual, personal care, heating/cooling, kitchen appliances and home entertainment categories. Their kitchen range includes microwaves, breadmakers, rice cookers, juicers, and more. They're a well known brand with a strong reputation.

Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker's dimensions.


The breadmaker's features are as follows:

  • Cooking Functions - The Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker has an impressive 25 cooking modes which offer a wide range of choice. You can cook bread, jam, cake, compotes, and more. The cooking modes are:
    • Bread - Basic, Basic Rapid, Basic Raisin, Whole wheat, Whole wheat Rapid, Whole wheat Raisin, French, Italian, Sandwich, Brioche, Gluten Free, Speciality, Speciality Raisin, Bake Only
    • Dough - Basic, Basic Raisin, Whole wheat, Whole wheat Raisin, French, Pizza, Brioche, Speciality, Speciality Raisin, Jam, Compote.
  • Raisin/Nut Dispenser - The Panasonic SD-2501WXC has a special compartment for items such as nuts, raisins, seeds and olives. It allows for the even distribution of these items in your loaves. It dispenses them at the optimal time.
  • Loaf Sizes - The Panasonic SD-2501WXC can bake loaves in three sizes.
  • Darkness Options - There are three darkness options which let you brown loaves to meet your preferred standards.
  • Pan - The cooking pan is diamond-fluro-coated. This is a non-stick and scratch resistant material. It allows you to wash up easily after use.
  • Control Panel - The control panel is angled and easy to use.
  • Power - The breadmaker is a 240W appliance.
  • Cool-Wall - The appliance has a cool-touch exterior for safety.
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Loaves cooked by the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker.


In summary, the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker is a powerful, versatile and adjustable appliance. It has 25 cooking modes (including numerous bread and dough functions) and a raisin/nut/seed/olive dispenser which distributes evenly. We like how you can choose from three loaf sizes and three darkness options. We also like the non-stick diamond-fluro-coated cooking pan. We rate the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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