Igenix Mini Oven Review

Main view of the Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven.
Our Rating:
Read our review of the Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven. Roast, bake, grill and reheat with this multi-purpose appliance. It has a large capacity, an elegant design (including a white finish), an adjustable thermostat/timer, and it comes with several accessories.
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Capacity30 Litres
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Our Review

The Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven is a powerful electric cooker and grill. It's a compact appliance with a 30 litre capacity, and is ideal for family homes, students, caravans, holiday homes, etc. The mini oven is capable of roasting, baking, grilling and reheating. It has a stylish white finish, with elements of glass and aluminium for practical purposes and added effect.

Main view of the Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven.

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The Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven is adjustable. It has a thermostat that ranges between 100 and 220 degrees Celsius and a timer that can be set for up to 60 minutes. It also comes with a couple of accessories - an aluminium baking tray, a wire rack and a tray handle. We like the design, particularly the double insulated glass door.

About Igenix

Igenix are a brand of home and kitchen appliances. They sell coffee machines, kettles, toasters, fryers, microwaves, mini ovens, fan heaters, gas heaters, air conditioners, air coolers, dehumidifiers, and more.

Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven's controls.


We now look at the features in more detail:

  • Multi-Purpose - The Igenix IG7131 is capable of roasting, baking, grilling and reheating.
  • Capacity - The cooking capacity is an impressively large 30 litres. It's ideal for small kitchens, holiday homes, student accommodation, etc.
  • Design - The oven has an elegant white finish. The glass window is stylish, easy to see through and is double insulated to keep heat inside.
  • Adjustable - The Igenix IG7131 has an adjustable thermostat and timer. The thermostat can go as low as 100 degrees Celsius and as high as 220. The timer can be set for up to 60 minutes. There are also multiple shelf heights available.
  • Accessories - Included with the cooker is an aluminium baking tray, a wire rack and a tray handle.
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Empty view of the Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven.


Overall, the Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven is an excellent and functional appliance. It can roast, bake, grill and reheat, which together with its large 30 litre capacity allows for a wide variety of food to be cooked. We particularly like the fact that its temperature and timer are adjustable, and we also like the useful accessories. We rate the Igenix IG7131 Mini Oven 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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